Originariamente inviato da Ipoci
wow ... You are too fast for me!

In any case, I will first go to the BBB/Iancanada system and then evaluate any further step. My only regret about BBB based system is that it force to stick with HQP, while software development and optimization is important as the hardware side. As an axample, I consider WTFPLAY the best sounding SW on my system but unfortunately it works with USB only (and my goal is to totally avoid USB).

See you.
Ciao, sei riuscito a terminare questa implementazione? Mi interessa molto, ma mi frena un po' la mia inettitudine con saldatore e affini ...devo anche dire che mi interroga il rapporto Q/P tra BBB/Iancanada vs Amanero (o in alternativa la nuova JLSound)