How do I change the volume step percentage (Plasma 5.4.1)? - regolare l'incremento del volume in kde 5

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  1. #1
    Jun 2005

    Predefinito How do I change the volume step percentage (Plasma 5.4.1)? - regolare l'incremento del volume in kde 5

    Fedora 23 presenta questo problemino: il volume passa da 0 a un valore troppo alto per poi rimanere pressoche' invariato.

    Questa l'unica soluzione funzionante (quella di kderc nella home va solo con kde4) :
    AhMaizeBalls 1 point 2 months ago* Alright, so this was bugging the crap out of me as well and KMix just wasn't an option (Maybe I was too dumb, but everything became way too crashy for my taste). So here is the solution to be used with plasma's built in volume controller. Just to get it out of the way I'm using an Asus USB sound card (a Xonar U7 to be exact) and I was looking for a way to decrease the volume step size / increment that would occur when turning the physical dial. This solution also works with regular media keys and the scrollwheel on the tray icon. Please note that I'm relatively new to whole linux thing and I haven't quite figured out the whole desktop environment / distribution / Desktop / Window manager / display manager "mess", so please don't burn me to the ground quite yet. I'm on Kubuntu 15.10 with Plasma 5.4.3 btw...

    • 1. log out and switch to a console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 (just to be sure I also killed my display manager (?) using
      sudo pkill sddm)
    • 2. Now we want to edit a file called ListItemBase.qml which apparently defines the volume step for the plasma volume change functions using the following command:
      sudo nano /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.volume/contents/ui/ListItemBase.qml
    • 3. Enter your root password and scroll down in the editor until you see
      function increaseVolume()
      (it would probably be around line 61 or so)
    • 4. Where it says
      var step = slider.maximumValue / 15;
      edit the 15 to whatever amount of steps you want the maximum volume to be broken down into. Personally I chose 50 as that would constitute a volume change of 2% every step.
    • 5. Do the same thing on the
      function decreaseVolume ()
      right under the first one.
    • 6. Hit Ctrl+O and confirm the save. Then exit the editor with Ctrl+X and return to the login screen (hopefully?) with Ctrl+Alt+F7

    Please note that I do not take any responsibility for any negative effects of this procedure but please let me know if any side effects occur.

    Preso da qui:

  2. #2
    Jun 2005


    come non detto...pare comunque che la modulazione dal 0% al 100% avvenga nel primo 50% della barra del trovero' soluzione postero'.
    Ultima modifica di giostark : 09-04-2016 a 16:56

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