Twinview è una "feature" delle Nvidia mx che permette di gestire due monitor separati, un monitor e un tv, oppure un monitor ed uno digitale (tipo alcuni lcd).

Chi ha capito bene come funziona la cosa mi spieghi per favore perche ho perso molte ore a provare e riprovare e ne ho piene le palle !

Ho preso da poco una Asus 7100 Combo deluxe
Con sintonizzatore,tv in, uscita Tv e Occhialini 3D.
Volevo vedere i film in Dvd sul tv mentre continuo a lavorare sul desktop di windows con altre applicazioni...
Nessuno mi ha saputo dire se era possibile prima dell'acquisto, dopo ho scoperto che quelli della ASUS sono dei gran bastardi perchè non si può mettere un prodotto sul mercato con i drivers che non vanno.
Dopo molte ore di prove comincio a capirci qualcosa e ci sono riuscito anche se casualmente, tanto da avere difficolta a ripetere adesso l'evento.

le mie attuali conclusioni :
I drivers Asus permettono una migliore gestione di Twinview che i Detonator 3 ma sono molto instabili sopratutto nei giochi 3D, alcuni non partono proprio !
Purtroppo le funzioni i sintonizzatore Tv non vanno con i Detonator.

Vi allego quanto ho inviato al supporto (ma esiste ? ) ASUS:
Se qualcuno condivide con me la mia sfortunata esperienza mi contatti.

I installed the Asus 7100 combo de luxe video card on my system:

Athlon 800
Asus A7V mb
256 mb dimm pc133
300 W power supply
Ibm Ata 100 Hd
card previously installed: Creative geforceMX - problems:NONE

I follow closely the installation instructions of the manual:
7100 Problems:

1)Installing the Via gart driver hang windows at the end of the boot,
both on normal mode or turbo, both with Asus supplied driver trought
disk installation setup or with 4in1 via driver (last)

2)Twinview just don't work with Asus drivers !
When i select Clone from Twinview tab a message ask me to reboot
windows, after reboot the driver is corrupt, only 16 colors and 640x480
screen even is the Asus drivers is still reported as the used driver,
after changing depth color and resolution following boot up shows a
error with the driver of the video card.
Reinstalling th edrivers 8after uninstall) do not solve the problem.
happyly i had a backup registry utility.
A lot of Direct 3 D games do not work with your drivers ........

3)Twinview work with Detonator 3 Drivers ! the problem is that your
apllications don't !
With detonator 3 i had no problem changing Via viagart driver or
with TwinView (that do not need to reboot to work).
Other Asus software do not work with these drivers, it would have
more intelligent for the software that have to prevent utilisation of
Asus software on non-Asus video cards to look at the bios of the video card not to the driver.....

4) There are no information for this product on your site ! The support
is very very weak....., in Europe german site is only in
german.........Asus never reply in the discussions forums on their site

5) the manual shipped with the card is very bad, the twinview feature is very badly explained, no mention of the tv software.......

6)No FAQ on 7100 on your site , shame on you ! you cannot rely on your
customeers to build your support service.............
What are the recommended settings for this card ? Is it real that Agp aperture size should not be higher than 32 megabytes ?

I think that you will never reply with a solution for these problems, if it is so, it will be my last (and my company with over 35 pc's) Asus product.