NVIDIA OpenGL 3.0 Support for Windows and Linux (Forceware v.1.81.00 )

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  1. #1
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito NVIDIA OpenGL 3.0 Support for Windows and Linux (Forceware v.1.81.00 )

    NVIDIA ha pubblicato una nuova serie di driver ForceWare grafica che supporta pienamente OpenGL 3.0. Questo set inizia la serie 181.xx

    Release Notes

    Windows drivers version 181.00 and Linux drivers version 180.11.02 provide full OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 support. The driver download links are at the bottom of this page.
    OpenGL 3.0 Driver Release Notes

    You need one of the following graphics cards to get access to the OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 functionality:

    • Quadro FX 370, 570, 1700, 3700, 4600, 4700x2, 4800, 5600, 5800, Quadro VX200, Quadro CX
    • GeForce 8000 series or higher; GeForce GTX 260, 280


    • Quadro FX 360M, 370M, 570M, 770M, 1600M, 1700M, 2700M, 3600M, 3700M
    • GeForce 8000 series or higher

    This driver implements all of GLSL 1.30 and all of OpenGL 3.0 and exposes the following new extensions:
    OpenGL 2.1 extensions:

    • ARB_vertex_array_object
    • ARB_framebuffer_object
    • ARB_half_float_vertex

    OpenGL 3.0 extensions:

    • WGL_create_context
    • GLX_create_context
    • ARB_draw_instanced
    • ARB_geometry_shader4
    • ARB_texture_buffer_object

    The OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 specifications can be downloaded here: OpenGL® Registry
    For any bugs or issues, please file a bug through the developer website: https://nvdeveloper.nvidia.com/

    OpenGL 3.0 on NVIDIA Hardware FAQ

    1) How do I start using OpenGL 3.0 in my code base?

    In order to use OpenGL 3.0 and later versions, any application explicitly has to "opt in" to use these versions. There is a new context creation call CreateContextAttribsARB (for WGL and GLX defined in the WGL/GLX_ARB_create_context extensions) that you have to use in order to request a context that supports OpenGL 3.0, or a later version. If you do not use this new call, but stick to the existing WGL/GLX create context calls, you will get OpenGL 2.1. Thus existing behavior is not changing.

    2) I hear about deprecation and removing functionality from OpenGL. What is going on?

    Together with OpenGL 3.0, the OpenGL ARB introduced a deprecation and profile mechanism. Deprecation means that a feature is marked for removal from a future version of the OpenGL spec. It is not actually removed yet from OpenGL 3.0, but this means that future versions of OpenGL will likely remove some features. Several features are marked as deprecated in the OpenGL 3.0 specification (but none are removed). Furthermore, the OpenGL ARB is providing a mechanism for encapsulating a set of functionality that can be supported by hardware vendors that want to address a particular market. That mechanism can be a profile or an ARB approved extension, which is still to be decided.
    You can find more on the new features, deprecation and profiles in these NVISION08 Presentations:

    The OpenGL 3.0 specification and GLSL 1.30 specifications can be downloaded from the OpenGL registry.

    3) Is NVIDIA going to remove functionality from OpenGL in the future?

    NVIDIA has no interest in removing any feature from OpenGL that our ISVs rely on. NVIDIA believes that developers are not served with a forced re-write of a large part of their code base, which will be needed if all the features marked deprecated in OpenGL 3.0 are removed from a future version of OpenGL. NVIDIA believes in providing maximum functionality with minimal churn to developers. Hence NVIDIA will take full advantage of the mechanism described in question #2 to keep supporting all functionality, including functionality on the deprecated list in OpenGL 3.0, for all future OpenGL versions. If, for example, OpenGL 3.1 will actually remove the features on the deprecated list, developers will be able to keep using those features on NVIDIA hardware using one of the mechanisms described in question #2.
    4) Will existing applications still work on current and future shipping hardware?

    NVIDIA has no plans for dropping support for OpenGL 2.1, and earlier versions, on our existing and future shipping hardware. As a result, all currently shipping applications will continue to work on NVIDIA's existing and future hardware.

    5) What NVIDIA hardware will support OpenGL 3.0?

    The new features in OpenGL 3.0 require G80, or newer hardware. Thus OpenGL 3.0 is not supported on NV3x, NV4x nor G7x hardware. This means you need one of the following NVIDIA graphics accelerators to use OpenGL 3.0:

    • Quadro FX 370, 570, 1700, 3700, 4600, 4700x2, 4800, 5600, 5800, Quadro VX200, Quadro CX
    • GeForce 8000 series or higher; GeForce GTX 260, 280


    • Quadro FX 360M, 370M, 570M, 770M, 1600M, 1700M, 2700M, 3600M, 3700M
    • GeForce 8000 series or higher

    6) Will functionality marked as deprecated be slow on NVIDIA hardware?

    No. NVIDIA understands that features on the deprecated list are critical to the business of a large part of our customer base. NIVIDIA will provide full performance, and will support, tune, and fix any issues, for any feature on the deprecated list.

    Driver Downloads



    Release Notes | FAQ | Download Drivers

    Want to Learn More?

    fonte http://developer.nvidia.com/object/opengl_3_driver.html

  2. #2
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo


    sembra che i driver Forceware v.180.XX (BigBang2) abbiano apportato delle migliorie in termini di tecnologia SLI con supporto multi monitor

    ho trovato su VR-Zone un interessante recensione..

    ll pannello di controllo l'ho trovato su Vr-Zone mentre su TechPowerUp si può vedere anche qualche test

    ^ These drivers are confirmed working for Windows 7 Ultimate build 7000 as well.

    Interestingly enough, these new drivers contain a new Ambient Occlusion setting in the Nvidia Control Panel:

    Don't forget to read the description of Ambient Occlusion at the bottom ^.

    The effect of Ambient Occlusion is particularly emphasized in titles such as Crysis:



    3DMark Vantage results:

    Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit SP1

    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit build 7000

    per chi volesse passare dalla teoria alla pratica questa è la versione beta più recente dei Forceware (26 dicembre) ed integra i PhysX 8.11.18

    Versione: Forceware 185.20 beta
    Data di rilascio
    : 26.12.2008
    Sistema operativo
    : ALL
    Lingua: Italiano
    : 108 Mb

    download link 1 2manydownload

    download link 2 TechPowerUP

    Ultima modifica di brugola.x : 01-01-2009 a 22:10

  3. #3
    mebibyte L'avatar di marcosaurus
    Sep 2006


    non ho capito il bench su windows 7!!
    chi è che lo sta già usando??
    ALI: Silverstone 800 MB: Asus Z170 PRO
    CPU: i7 6700k DISSI: noctua
    RAM: 16GB 2*8GB kingstone ddr4 3000MHz
    VGA: Nvidia GTX1070oc
    HD: toshiba RD400me
    CASE: Silverstone HTPC

  4. #4
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo


    Originariamente inviato da marcosaurus
    non ho capito il bench su windows 7!!
    chi è che lo sta già usando??
    basta poco... windows 7 screen - Cerca con Google
    la beta 1 l'anno ricevuta prima quelli del mercato della pirateria che i beta tester.. è pazzesco..
    (la fonte degli screen di Windows 7 è TechPowerUP)
    Ultima modifica di brugola.x : 01-01-2009 a 22:17

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