ATI Catalyst 6.11

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  1. #1
    L'avatar di Roddy
    Aug 2005

    Predefinito ATI Catalyst 6.11

    Sono appena usciti i nuovi drivers ATI:

    New Features

    This release of Catalyst® introduces software CrossFire™ support for any combination of Radeon® X1900 and X1950 installed in a system running either the Windows XP or Windows XP Professional x64 Edition operating system.

    Note: Software CrossFire™ is not supported on the Radeon® X1950 Pro product line.

    Performance Improvement

    A performance increase is noticed in Call of Duty 2. Performance improves as much as 12.5% at 19x12 settings and as much as 10.5% at 12x10 settings on X1900 Software Crossfire configurations. Largest gains seen with 4xAA enabled.

    Issues Resolved in Catalyst® Software Suite 6.11

    The following section provides a summary of the issues that are resolved in the latest release of Catalyst®. These include:
    • 3DMark03: Running the application on a system containing a Radeon X9500/9600/9700 series of product under the Windows XP operating system no longer results in the application failing. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23704
    • PCMark05: The graphics test suite 3D pixel shader and 3D vertex shader tests no longer fail. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23695
    • Rome: Total War: Playing the game under Windows XP with a Radeon X19x0 series product install no longer results in the overview map appearing corrupted. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22821
    • Rush For Berlin: Setting the Shadows to Self Shadow within the games Graphics options no longer results in only half of the display being shaded when using the mouse scroll wheel to enlarging the soldier's view. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23700
    • Tomb Raider Legend: Enabling CrossFire no longer results in slower performance being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23448
    • Uber Soldier: Enabling CrossFire no longer results in the menu page of the game failing to display properly. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23690
    • Window-Eyes Professional v5.0: The display resolution no longer reverts to 640x480 4bpp after the installation of the application on a system containing an Xpress 200 series product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23694
    • Plugging a TV into s-video out connector, followed by entering to display manager and clicking detect displays no longer results in the TV failing to be detected. Further information can be found in topic number 737-23008
    • Using the Uninstall Utility to remove the display driver or Catalyst Control Center no longer results in portions of third party applications also being uninstalled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23277
    • Connecting two display devices on a system running the Windows MCE operating system and enabling extended desktop mode no longer results in display corruption being noticed when dragging and placing a window between the two display devices. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23280
    • The Catalyst® Control Center version number no longer differs between the Catalyst® Control Center Software Information Center and the version number listed in the Add/Remove programs. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23281
    • Catalyst Control Center: Selecting the All Settings option found in the Video aspect page and selecting the Deinterlacing drop down menu no longer results in the menu options switching erratically between themselves when using the mouse wheel to scroll between the menu items. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23705
    • Catalyst Control Center: Setting the language option to Italian no longer results in cut-off text and non-translated information being found in both the basic and advanced views of the control center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23707
    • Catalyst Control Center: Setting the language option to Simplified Chinese no longer results in Chinese characters being inconsistent. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23708
    • Catalyst Control Center: Setting the language option to either Simplified Chinese or German no longer results in the Scaling option being missing within the 3D->All Settings option. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23709
    • Catalyst Control Center: The Confirm Changes dialog box for the engine and memory clock settings no longer randomly pops up when selecting the CrossFire aspect. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23710
    • Catalyst Control Center: Changing the display properties to 1600x600 or larger when clone mode is enabled and then changing the display properties to 1024x768 or lower no longer results in the Catalyst Control Center failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23711
    • Resuming from an S3 state and launching a DOS prompt no longer results in the operating system failing to respond when going to a full-screen DOS prompt. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23691
    • Un-installing the graphics driver no longer results in the desktop display flashing when installing the in-the-box software driver bundled with the Microsoft operating system until the system is rebooted a second time. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23692
    • Catalyst® Control Center->Basic View: Enabling CrossFire™ and attempting to adjust the video brightness by adjusting between the options of Home, Office, and Theater modes no longer results in the brightness setting failing to show a difference between the three different modes. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23693
    • CrossFire: Connecting an Apple 30" DFP display device and enabling CrossFire no longer results in flickering being noticed when running the 3DMark 05 application. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23696
    • Playing a media file using the Windows Media Player version 10 no longer results in an intermittent flashing being noticed when using a Radeon X1300 or X1600 series of product installed on a system running the Windows XP operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23697
    • Intermittent rotation issues noticed with the Radeon X1900 XTX when using TV out are now resolved. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23698
    • Applying the 720p mode on a digital display device and setting the display resolution to 1280x720 75Hz in centered mode is now working properly. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23699
    • Display corruption is no longer noticed on the secondary display device (CRT) when having a TV connected as the primary display device to a Radeon X1300 or X1600 series (pal versions). Further details can be found in topic number 737-23701
    • Display corruption is no longer noticed when resuming from an S3 or S4 state when CrossFire is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23702
    • Connecting a ViewSonic VP231wb to a Radeon X1900 series of product no longer results in the DFP panel failing to be detected. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23703
    Known Issues for Catalyst® Software Suite 6.11

    The following section provides a summary of open issues in the latest version of Catalyst®. These include:
    • Battlefield 2: Attempting to launch the game under Windows XP with the in-game display setting at 1920x1440 or 2048x1536 and AA set to 6x may result in the game failing to launch. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22817
    • Black&White 2: Slow frame rate may be noticed when playing the game under Windows XP when setting the graphics to the lowest possible settings. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23714
    • Neverwinter Nights: Enabling super AA and CrossFire within the Catalyst Control Center may result in display corruption being noticed within the game's main menu. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23718
    • Sniper Elite: Playing the game under Windows XP with a Radeon® X1600 series installed may result in texture corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22820
    • Enabling CrossFire™ may result in display corruption being noticed when playing a DVD or media clip using either WinDVD 7, Windows Media Player or PowerDVD 6. Further details can be found in topic number 737-22806
    • Catalyst® Control Center->Basic View: Connecting a secondary display device and attempting to enable it, may result in the inability to enable the device when using Basic view. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23446
    • Intermittent display issues may be noticed when using an Apple Cinema HD 30" display device. Contact AMD Customer Care for a solution. AMD Engineering is aware of the issue and a resolve will be available in an up-coming software driver release. Further details can be found in topic number
    • During video playback, DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) may not be available when CrossFire mode is enabled. This will result in software mode video playback. To enable DXVA, CrossFire™ mode must be disabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23447
    • Catalyst® Control Center->CrossFire™: Attempting to resume from a standby state may result in the Windows XP operating system failing to respond when using a Radeon® X19x0 CrossFire™ Edition series of product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23713
    • Uninstalling the graphics drivers may result in some of the files and folder failing to be removed in the Program File folder. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23715
    • Catalyst Control Center: Setting the language option to French for the Catalyst Control Center may result in the text found in Catalyst Control Center being cropped. This issue is known to occur under all supported operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23716
    • Attempting to maximize an OpenGL application window may result in either the OpenGL window maximizing slowly or the system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23717
    • Using PowerDVD to playback a DVD may result in the playback appearing choppy. Further details can be found in topic number 737-23719

  2. #2
    tebibyte L'avatar di asphalt
    Sep 2004


    Scaricati ed installati..... direi che l'ottimizzazione per MediaCenter funzioni a dovere....così è per la mia scheda Sat.

  3. #3
    L'avatar di Roddy
    Aug 2005


    Quello che è scritto nelle "new features" secondo me è un po' ambiguo...
    Si potrebbe interpretare che è possibile mischiare schede diverse per fare il crossfire software (ad es. x1900 + x1950)!
    O mi sbaglio?

  4. #4
    pebibyte L'avatar di Figus
    Sep 2000
    Fagnano Olona (VA)


    Originariamente inviato da Roddy
    Quello che è scritto nelle "new features" secondo me è un po' ambiguo...
    Si potrebbe interpretare che è possibile mischiare schede diverse per fare il crossfire software (ad es. x1900 + x1950)!
    O mi sbaglio?
    infatti credo che sia proprio quello che fanno... puoi mettere senza scheda master.... poi con ati si è sempre potuto mischiare i modelli... x1600pro con xt o x1800gto con x1900gt... e così via....

  5. #5
    tebibyte L'avatar di asphalt
    Sep 2004


    E' proprio così un'acchiata al produttore della mia scheda video...Club 3D ATI 800XL fondo alla pagina viene evidenziata una possibile configurazione in Crossfire con una X1600XT

  6. #6
    kibibyte L'avatar di Nejiro
    Sep 2006

    Predefinito problema dopo installazione Catalyst 6.11

    Salve ragazzi,ho installato i driver 6.11 ma dopo il riavvio su gestione periferiche mi ritrovo una "periferica sconosciuta" che mi dice ubicazione Ati 1800 Series,sapete come fare per toglierla? GRAZIE

  7. #7
    tebibyte L'avatar di asphalt
    Sep 2004


    La maggior parte delle volte il mancato riconoscimento della scheda video è dovuta al fatto che mentre installavi i driver nuovi non avevi il Cd originale della tua scheda video inserito ..... è un controllo che Ati usa soprattutto nelle schede video con Video In ed Out ma è molto probabile che adesso lo abbia esteso a tutti i suoi prodotti con chip theatre.... quella probabilmente è la periferica sconosciuta che ti indica il mancato inserimento dei driver necessari al VDM.

  8. #8
    kibibyte L'avatar di Nejiro
    Sep 2006


    Durante l'installazione non mi ha chiesto nulla.....Questa è la periferica "sconosciuta" .Per risolvere il problema quindi dovrei disinstallare di nuovo i drive e reinstallarli con il CD inserito?

  9. #9
    pebibyte L'avatar di Figus
    Sep 2000
    Fagnano Olona (VA)


    la x1800xt ha anche l'acquisizione video, devi scaricare anche i drivers wdm ed installarli, sono quelli che mancano...

  10. #10
    kibibyte L'avatar di Nejiro
    Sep 2006


    Sul sito c'e' scritto che i WDM servono per le all in wonder e VIVO product,la mia non è una all in wonder ma è una vivo product?Scusa se sto' facendo confusione ma non ci sto' capendo nulla.....

    EDIT:GRAZIE INFINITE Figus......Mancavano proprio quei drive.Proprio non lo sapevo che bisognava installarli,forse perchè le altre volte ho sempre messo il pacchetto completo,mentre adesso ho voluto metterli in italiano e si devono installare tutti questi pacchetti.Sull'HTPC ho una X1600 della Asus,anche li ci vogliono i WDM?GRAZIE ANCORA.

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