Guida a Logitech Media Server, Squeezelite e derivati.

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  1. #1721
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da hifi25nl
    Scusa, ma in audiolinux squeezelite è la versione R2 e viene lanciata con
    systemctl start squeezelite@audiolinux
    OK, era solo un mio dubbio, dato che in altri sistemi vengono fatti convivere la versione normale ed R2.

    Originariamente inviato da hifi25nl
    Che cosa intendi con "non ci sia nessuna opzione hw"? Quale dovrebbe essere? iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 manda il segnale direttamente al dac usb e nessun mixer è abilitato di default in audiolinux.
    In altri sistemi è presente l'opzione hw:... che in alsa è una 'scorciatoia' per indicare il percorso diretto all'hw, senza nessun plugin o mixer, sostituendo default e sysdefault, normalmente consiglio di usare quella, ma se l'utente vuole usare SPDIF (strano che tu citi il DAC USB, quella è l'uscita SPDIF), deve usare iec958, non c'è dubbio.

    QUi: Asoundrc - AlsaProject un utile approfondimento ed un modo per realizzare 'aliases' da usare al posto di Type:Cardevice per identificare le possibili opzioni di uscita, io non lo farei, ma è fattibile.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  2. #1722
    Apr 2014


    Ho testato la configurazione con numerosi DAC USB, ad esempio con Holo Audio Spring collegato all'entrata USB il parametro è:

    Forse in altri sistemi c'è qualche file di alsa che modifica la configurazione (alsa.conf asoundrc ecc.) , ma in audiolinux non c'è nessun file di configurazione per alsa (e naturalmente non c'è pulse audio)

    Un problema invece è che mi segnalano (anche su ComputerAudiophile) che con squeezelite-R2, se il plugin C3-PO non è abilitato, LMS va in play ma nessun suono arriva al DAC. Hai idea di cosa possa essere?

  3. #1723
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da hifi25nl
    Ho testato la configurazione con numerosi DAC USB, ad esempio con Holo Audio Spring collegato all'entrata USB il parametro è:
    iec958 == è SPDIF, forse quel DAC è connesso avia SPDIF e non I2S dell'interfaccia USB (che sembra una XMOS, in questo caso).

    Originariamente inviato da hifi25nl
    Un problema invece è che mi segnalano (anche su ComputerAudiophile) che con squeezelite-R2, se il plugin C3-PO non è abilitato, LMS va in play ma nessun suono arriva al DAC. Hai idea di cosa possa essere?
    Possono essere 1000, probabilmente senza C-3PO sono attive conversioni di formato che producono output non supportato dal modo con cui è lanciato R2. Se mi indichi il thd dove ne parlano posso verificare, mi servono maggiori informazioni.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  4. #1724
    Moderatore L'avatar di bibo01
    Oct 2010


    Originariamente inviato da antonellocaroli
    Provagli a fargli lanciare squeezelite da terminale...

    systemctl stop squeezelite@audiolinux
    poi da terminale

    squeezelite -o default:CARD=Interface -d all=debug

    squeezelite@audiolinux -o default:CARD=Interface -d all=debug
    non so in audiolinux com é uno dei due...
    I followed your instructions, and ran squeezelite manually as follows:

    squeezelite -o iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 -d all=debug 2>&1 | tee sq.out

    Piero had suggested using the iec958 device, so I did. This time I got a little further, I could start a 16/44.1 track, but when I tried to switch to a different 24/96 track, the player would not play.

    The error messages are in the attached file.

    Let me know if you have any ideas.

  5. #1725
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da bibo01
    I followed your instructions, and ran squeezelite manually as follows:

    squeezelite -o iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 -d all=debug 2>&1 | tee sq.out

    Piero had suggested using the iec958 device, so I did. This time I got a little further, I could start a 16/44.1 track, but when I tried to switch to a different 24/96 track, the player would not play.

    The error messages are in the attached file.

    Let me know if you have any ideas.
    I could not reach the attached, please post here the error, but as a first trial, you could try to add -r 44100 - 96000 or whatever is the max sample rate of your card to the command line, sure your DAC could do 24/96? What's the model of the DAC? How is connected to the pc?

    squeezelite -o iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 -d all=debug 2>&1 | tee sq.out

    is eedirecting sdtdout and err to the file? why you do that? please remove and use:

    squeezelite -d all=debug -f "squeezelite.log" -o iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0

    instead, then post the content of squeezelite.log, please.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  6. #1726
    Moderatore L'avatar di bibo01
    Oct 2010


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    I could not reach the attached, please post here the error
    [17:35:32.657064] stream_init:290 init stream
    [17:35:32.657319] stream_init:291 streambuf size: 2097152
    [17:35:32.660963] output_init_alsa:889 init output
    [17:35:32.661029] output_init_alsa:930 device : iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 1
    [17:35:32.661050] output_init_common:346 outputbuf size: 3528000
    [17:35:32.661138] output_init_common:370 idle timeout: 0
    [17:35:32.667794] output_init_common:410 supported rates: 384000 352800 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100
    [17:35:32.680359] output_init_alsa:946 memory locked
    [17:35:32.680748] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:35:32.680753] output_init_alsa:969 set output sched fifo rt: 45
    [17:35:32.681820] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:35:32.681830] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs: exclude codecs:
    [17:35:32.682505] load_faad:610 loaded
    [17:35:32.682539] register_faad:640 using faad to decode aac
    [17:35:32.683452] load_vorbis:300 loaded
    [17:35:32.683487] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
    [17:35:32.684405] load_flac:266 loaded
    [17:35:32.684436] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
    [17:35:32.684454] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
    [17:35:32.684887] load_mad:383 loaded
    [17:35:32.684911] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
    [17:35:32.685352] discover_server:756 sending discovery
    [17:35:32.685425] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:35:32.685498] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:35:32.685654] discover_server:767 got response from:
    [17:35:32.686387] slimproto:849 connecting to
    [17:35:32.686636] slimproto:882 connected
    [17:35:32.686665] slimproto:893 local player
    [17:35:32.686684] sendHELO:124 mac: ac:1f:6b:26:ed:32
    [17:35:32.686700] sendHELO:126 cap: Model=squeezelite,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Firmware=v1.8.4 (R2),ModelName=SqueezeLite-R2,MaxSampleRate=384000,aac,ogg,flc,aif,pcm,mp3,loc
    [17:35:32.699548] process:494 strm
    [17:35:32.699604] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [17:35:32.699623] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [17:35:32.699639] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [17:35:32.699656] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:35:32.699930] process:494 strm
    [17:35:32.699965] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [17:35:32.699982] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [17:35:32.699999] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [17:35:32.700017] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:35:32.700076] process:494 setd
    [17:35:32.700108] process:494 setd
    [17:35:32.700140] process:494 aude
    [17:35:32.700157] process_aude:395 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
    [17:35:32.700565] process:494 audg
    [17:35:32.700606] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 1
    [17:35:32.700625] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [17:35:35.001054] process:494 strm
    [17:35:35.001114] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:35.001134] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:35:44.031912] process:494 strm
    [17:35:44.031970] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:44.031990] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:35:49.003766] process:494 strm
    [17:35:49.003825] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:49.003846] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:35:54.001545] process:494 strm
    [17:35:54.001604] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:54.001624] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:35:59.002016] process:494 strm
    [17:35:59.002072] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:59.002092] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:04.000507] process:494 strm
    [17:36:04.000564] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:04.000584] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:09.000925] process:494 strm
    [17:36:09.000984] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:09.001004] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:13.000825] process:494 strm
    [17:36:13.000883] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:13.000903] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:17.004318] process:494 strm
    [17:36:17.004373] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:17.004394] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:18.118523] process:494 strm
    [17:36:18.118583] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [17:36:18.118602] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [17:36:18.118619] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [17:36:18.118637] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:36:18.209213] process:494 audg
    [17:36:18.209269] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 1
    [17:36:18.209289] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [17:36:18.210724] process:494 strm
    [17:36:18.210777] process_strm:256 strm command s
    [17:36:18.210795] process_strm:325 strm s autostart: 1 transition period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: f
    [17:36:18.210814] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:36:18.210867] codec_open:218 codec open: 'f'
    [17:36:18.210938] stream_sock:384 connecting to
    [17:36:18.211078] stream_sock:413 header: GET /stream.mp3?player=ac:1f:6b:26:ed:32 HTTP/1.0

    [17:36:18.211103] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMc
    [17:36:18.211146] process_strm:357 set fade mode: 0
    [17:36:18.211243] process:494 audg
    [17:36:18.211264] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 1
    [17:36:18.211281] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [17:36:18.296039] stream_thread:176 headers: len: 137
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.2 - ARCH-AUR-GIT.20181118.e5c860d)
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: audio/x-flac

    [17:36:18.297117] sendRESP:202 RESP
    [17:36:18.318474] write_cb:116 setting track_start
    [17:36:18.323817] _output_frames:61 start buffer frames: 90112
    [17:36:18.323893] _output_frames:146 track start sample rate: 44100 replay_gain: 0
    [17:36:18.343191] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMs
    [17:36:18.343324] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:19.344420] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:20.345574] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:21.346732] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:22.000940] process:494 strm
    [17:36:22.000992] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:22.001012] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:23.002546] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:24.003704] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:25.004850] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:26.001323] process:494 strm
    [17:36:26.001376] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:26.001396] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:27.002509] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:28.003672] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:29.004822] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:30.001333] process:494 strm
    [17:36:30.001394] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:30.001414] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:31.002502] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:32.003660] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:33.004811] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:34.003458] process:494 strm
    [17:36:34.003517] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:34.003537] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:35.004630] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:36.005792] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:37.006949] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:38.008098] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:39.001318] process:494 strm
    [17:36:39.001367] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:39.001386] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:40.002496] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:41.003649] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:42.004803] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:43.005959] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:44.001328] process:494 strm
    [17:36:44.001388] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:44.001408] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:45.002509] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:46.003670] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:47.005200] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:48.006726] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:49.001327] process:494 strm
    [17:36:49.001389] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:49.001410] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:50.002511] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:51.003671] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:52.004828] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:53.000565] process:494 strm
    [17:36:53.000622] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:53.000642] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:54.001715] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:55.002867] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:56.004037] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:57.005204] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:58.000336] process:494 strm
    [17:36:58.000395] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:36:58.000415] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:59.001768] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:00.002914] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:01.004062] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:02.001306] process:494 strm
    [17:37:02.001361] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:02.001381] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:03.002476] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:04.003622] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:05.004772] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:06.001348] process:494 strm
    [17:37:06.001406] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:06.001426] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:07.002519] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:08.003674] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:09.005168] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:10.001344] process:494 strm
    [17:37:10.001400] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:10.001421] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:11.002513] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:12.003649] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:13.004815] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:14.000547] process:494 strm
    [17:37:14.000606] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:14.000626] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:14.260483] output_thread:788 pcm wait error: No such device
    [17:37:14.260546] output_thread:744 Device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 no longer available
    [17:37:14.264261] alsa_close:286 snd_pcm_close error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265324] ALSA parse_card:767 cannot find card 'Interface'
    [17:37:14.265380] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265409] ALSA snd_func_concat:392 error evaluating strings
    [17:37:14.265433] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265457] ALSA snd_func_refer:1246 error evaluating name
    [17:37:14.265480] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265505] ALSA snd_config_expand:5034 Evaluate error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265536] ALSA snd_pcm_open_noupdate:2565 Unknown PCM iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:14.265560] output_thread:684 waiting for device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 to return
    [17:37:15.001736] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:16.002887] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:17.004006] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:18.005125] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:18.012519] process:494 strm
    [17:37:18.012585] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:18.012605] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:19.013688] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:19.266735] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:19.266780] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:19.267822] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:19.267879] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:20.014824] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:21.015970] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:22.017117] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:23.018281] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:23.105659] process:494 strm
    [17:37:23.105720] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:23.105740] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:24.106854] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:24.500259] output_thread:788 pcm wait error: No such device
    [17:37:24.500316] output_thread:744 Device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 no longer available
    [17:37:24.505271] alsa_close:286 snd_pcm_close error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506345] ALSA parse_card:767 cannot find card 'Interface'
    [17:37:24.506402] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506431] ALSA snd_func_concat:392 error evaluating strings
    [17:37:24.506456] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506512] ALSA snd_func_refer:1246 error evaluating name
    [17:37:24.506537] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506562] ALSA snd_config_expand:5034 Evaluate error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506595] ALSA snd_pcm_open_noupdate:2565 Unknown PCM iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:24.506619] output_thread:684 waiting for device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 to return
    [17:37:25.108030] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:26.109385] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:27.110549] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:28.047794] process:494 strm
    [17:37:28.047857] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:28.047877] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:29.048996] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:29.507890] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:29.507943] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:29.508976] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:29.509031] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:29.513483] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:30.050165] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:31.051337] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:32.052508] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:33.053669] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:33.081443] process:494 strm
    [17:37:33.081504] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:33.081524] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:34.082615] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:34.513553] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:34.517731] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:34.518855] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:34.518911] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:34.523343] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:35.083775] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:36.084920] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:37.086046] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:38.015957] process:494 strm
    [17:37:38.016018] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:38.016039] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:39.017147] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:39.523396] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:39.528239] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:39.529386] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:39.529446] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:39.534084] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:40.018343] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:41.019513] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:42.020676] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:43.001398] process:494 strm
    [17:37:43.001455] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:43.001476] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:44.002574] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:44.534158] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:44.538325] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:44.539448] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:44.539514] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:44.543922] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:45.003739] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:46.004919] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:47.006088] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:47.018921] process:494 strm
    [17:37:47.018981] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:47.019001] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:48.020089] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:49.021364] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:49.543987] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:49.548205] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:49.549338] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:49.549396] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:49.553781] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:50.022525] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:51.023692] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:52.002530] process:494 strm
    [17:37:52.002591] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:52.002611] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:53.003711] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:54.004882] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:54.553845] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:54.558061] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:54.559220] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:54.559277] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:54.563642] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:37:55.006049] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:56.007311] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:57.008473] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:57.014444] process:494 strm
    [17:37:57.014493] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:57.014512] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:58.015593] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:59.016757] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:59.563705] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:59.567915] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:59.569048] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:59.569109] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:37:59.573503] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:00.017923] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:01.019096] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:02.020293] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:02.036553] process:494 strm
    [17:38:02.036609] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:02.036629] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:03.037724] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:04.038906] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:04.573565] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:04.577771] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:04.578911] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:04.578968] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:04.583371] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:05.040089] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:06.041294] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:07.000571] process:494 strm
    [17:38:07.000631] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:07.000652] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:08.001753] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:09.002902] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:09.583429] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:09.587654] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:09.588873] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:09.588936] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:09.593390] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:10.004055] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:11.001292] process:494 strm
    [17:38:11.001349] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:11.001369] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:12.002459] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:13.003614] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:14.004754] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:14.593473] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:14.597616] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:14.598739] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:14.598795] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:14.603216] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:15.000336] process:494 strm
    [17:38:15.000392] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:15.000411] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:16.001502] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:17.002635] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:18.003765] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:19.000371] process:494 strm
    [17:38:19.000429] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:19.000449] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:19.603274] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:19.607475] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:19.608596] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:19.608652] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:19.613065] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:20.001541] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:21.002662] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:22.003797] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:23.001270] process:494 strm
    [17:38:23.001329] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:23.001349] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:24.001489] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:24.613123] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:24.617335] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:24.618492] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:24.618554] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:24.622918] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:25.003276] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:26.004413] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:27.000412] process:494 strm
    [17:38:27.000471] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:27.000491] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:28.001631] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:29.002772] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:29.622979] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:29.627201] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:29.628334] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:29.628383] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:29.632781] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:30.003911] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:31.000565] process:494 strm
    [17:38:31.000620] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:31.000640] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:32.001742] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:33.002890] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:34.004036] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:34.632832] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:34.637045] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:34.638198] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:34.638250] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:34.642635] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:35.000802] process:494 strm
    [17:38:35.000853] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:35.000874] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:36.001968] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:37.003110] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:38.004278] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:39.000943] process:494 strm
    [17:38:39.001000] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:39.001020] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:39.642685] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:39.646906] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:39.648021] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:39.648071] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:39.652494] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:40.002114] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:41.003284] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:42.004441] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:43.001125] process:494 strm
    [17:38:43.001220] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:43.001244] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:44.002340] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:44.652543] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:44.656762] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:44.657888] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:44.657946] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:44.662237] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:45.003491] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:46.004636] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:47.005777] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:48.000409] process:494 strm
    [17:38:48.000546] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:48.000571] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:49.001756] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:49.662285] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:49.666495] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:49.667611] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:49.667661] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:49.672090] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:50.002895] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:51.004036] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:52.000576] process:494 strm
    [17:38:52.000709] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:52.000735] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:53.001923] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:54.003069] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:54.672145] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:54.676356] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:54.677477] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:54.677526] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:54.683949] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:38:55.004235] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:56.000816] process:494 strm
    [17:38:56.000872] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:38:56.000891] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:56.630133] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:38:56.630282] process:494 audg
    [17:38:56.630310] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 0 gainR: 0 adjust: 1
    [17:38:56.630329] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 0 right: 0
    [17:38:56.630464] process:494 strm
    [17:38:56.630489] process_strm:256 strm command p
    [17:38:56.630508] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMp
    [17:38:56.630550] process_strm:292 pause interval: 0
    [17:38:59.684010] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:38:59.688334] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:38:59.689471] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:38:59.689528] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:38:59.695983] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:39:00.001003] process:494 strm
    [17:39:00.001049] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:39:00.001070] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:39:04.003208] process:494 strm
    [17:39:04.003261] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:39:04.003281] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:39:04.696044] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:39:04.700317] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:39:04.701458] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:39:04.701514] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:39:04.707881] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    [17:39:09.002504] process:494 strm
    [17:39:09.002561] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:39:09.002581] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:39:09.707945] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:39:09.712423] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:39:09.713565] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:39:09.713622] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:39:09.719888] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address

    Non so esattamente il modello di DAC, ma da quanto riportato prima dovrebbe essere un Ayre con USB

  7. #1727
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da bibo01
    [17:35:32.657064] stream_init:290 init stream
    [17:35:32.657319] stream_init:291 streambuf size: 2097152
    [17:35:32.660963] output_init_alsa:889 init output
    [17:35:32.661029] output_init_alsa:930 device : iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 requested alsa_buffer: 40 alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 1
    [17:35:32.661050] output_init_common:346 outputbuf size: 3528000
    [17:35:32.661138] output_init_common:370 idle timeout: 0
    [17:35:32.667794] output_init_common:410 supported rates: 384000 352800 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100
    [17:35:32.680359] output_init_alsa:946 memory locked
    [17:35:32.680748] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:35:32.680753] output_init_alsa:969 set output sched fifo rt: 45
    [17:35:32.681820] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:35:32.681830] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs: exclude codecs:
    [17:35:32.682505] load_faad:610 loaded
    [17:35:32.682539] register_faad:640 using faad to decode aac
    [17:35:32.683452] load_vorbis:300 loaded
    [17:35:32.683487] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
    [17:35:32.684405] load_flac:266 loaded
    [17:35:32.684436] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
    [17:35:32.684454] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
    [17:35:32.684887] load_mad:383 loaded
    [17:35:32.684911] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
    [17:35:32.685352] discover_server:756 sending discovery
    [17:35:32.685425] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:35:32.685498] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:35:32.685654] discover_server:767 got response from:
    [17:35:32.686387] slimproto:849 connecting to
    [17:35:32.686636] slimproto:882 connected
    [17:35:32.686665] slimproto:893 local player
    [17:35:32.686684] sendHELO:124 mac: ac:1f:6b:26:ed:32
    [17:35:32.686700] sendHELO:126 cap: Model=squeezelite,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Firmware=v1.8.4 (R2),ModelName=SqueezeLite-R2,MaxSampleRate=384000,aac,ogg,flc,aif,pcm,mp3,loc
    [17:35:32.699548] process:494 strm
    [17:35:32.699604] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [17:35:32.699623] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [17:35:32.699639] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [17:35:32.699656] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:35:32.699930] process:494 strm
    [17:35:32.699965] process_strm:256 strm command q
    [17:35:32.699982] decode_flush:190 decode flush
    [17:35:32.699999] output_flush:423 flush output buffer
    [17:35:32.700017] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:35:32.700076] process:494 setd
    [17:35:32.700108] process:494 setd
    [17:35:32.700140] process:494 aude
    [17:35:32.700157] process_aude:395 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
    [17:35:32.700565] process:494 audg
    [17:35:32.700606] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 1
    [17:35:32.700625] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [17:35:35.001054] process:494 strm
    [17:35:35.001114] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:35:35.001134] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:18.210777] process_strm:256 strm command s
    [17:36:18.210795] process_strm:325 strm s autostart: 1 transition period: 10 transition type: 0 codec: f
    [17:36:18.210814] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMf
    [17:36:18.210867] codec_open:218 codec open: 'f'
    [17:36:18.210938] stream_sock:384 connecting to
    [17:36:18.211078] stream_sock:413 header: GET /stream.mp3?player=ac:1f:6b:26:ed:32 HTTP/1.0

    [17:36:18.211103] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMc
    [17:36:18.211146] process_strm:357 set fade mode: 0
    [17:36:18.211243] process:494 audg
    [17:36:18.211264] process_audg:413 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536 adjust: 1
    [17:36:18.211281] set_volume:251 setting internal gain left: 65536 right: 65536
    [17:36:18.296039] stream_thread:176 headers: len: 137
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: Logitech Media Server (7.9.2 - ARCH-AUR-GIT.20181118.e5c860d)
    Connection: close
    Content-Type: audio/x-flac

    [17:36:18.297117] sendRESP:202 RESP
    [17:36:18.318474] write_cb:116 setting track_start
    [17:36:18.323817] _output_frames:61 start buffer frames: 90112
    [17:36:18.323893] _output_frames:146 track start sample rate: 44100 replay_gain: 0
    [17:36:18.343191] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMs
    [17:36:18.343324] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:19.344420] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:20.345574] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:21.346732] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:36:22.000940] process:494 strm
    [17:36:22.000992] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:14.000626] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:14.260483] output_thread:788 pcm wait error: No such device
    [17:37:14.260546] output_thread:744 Device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 no longer available
    [17:37:14.264261] alsa_close:286 snd_pcm_close error: No such device

    [17:37:14.265324] ALSA parse_card:767 cannot find card 'Interface'
    [17:37:14.265380] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265409] ALSA snd_func_concat:392 error evaluating strings
    [17:37:14.265433] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_concat returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265457] ALSA snd_func_refer:1246 error evaluating name
    [17:37:14.265480] ALSA _snd_config_evaluate:4555 function snd_func_refer returned error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265505] ALSA snd_config_expand:5034 Evaluate error: No such device
    [17:37:14.265536] ALSA snd_pcm_open_noupdate:2565 Unknown PCM iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:14.265560] output_thread:684 waiting for device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 to return
    [17:37:15.001736] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:16.002887] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:17.004006] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:18.005125] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:18.012519] process:494 strm
    [17:37:18.012585] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:18.012605] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:19.013688] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:19.266735] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:37:19.266780] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:37:19.267822] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:37:19.267879] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441

    [17:37:20.014824] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:21.015970] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:22.017117] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:23.018281] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:23.105659] process:494 strm
    [17:37:23.105720] process_strm:256 strm command t
    [17:37:23.105740] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:24.106854] sendSTAT:171 STAT: STMt
    [17:37:24.500259] output_thread:788 pcm wait error: No such device
    [17:37:24.500316] output_thread:744 Device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 no longer available
    [17:37:24.505271] alsa_close:286 snd_pcm_close error: No such device
    [17:37:24.506345] ALSA parse_card:767 cannot find card 'Interface'

    [17:39:09.707945] output_thread:697 open output device: iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0
    [17:39:09.712423] alsa_open:367 opening device at: 44100
    [17:39:09.713565] alsa_open:440 opened device iec958:CARD=Interface,DEV=0 using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
    [17:39:09.713622] alsa_open:531 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1764 period size: 441
    [17:39:09.719888] alsa_open:548 unable to set hw params: No such device or address
    It looks like a hardware or configuration error, ALSA loose connection to the device. Double check the USB connections, try to replace the cable and if an external PSU is in use, inspect that is feeding the interface with enough power.

    This should not be limited to Squeezelite, all players, aplay included, should produce the same kind of error, could you confirm?
    Ultima modifica di marcoc1712 : 20-11-2018 a 14:24
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  8. #1728
    Apr 2014


    Originariamente inviato da marcoc1712
    It looks like a hardware or configuration error, ALSA loose connection to the device. Double check the USB connections, try to replace the cable and if an external PSU is in use, inspect that is feeding the interface with enough power.

    This should not be limited to Squeezelite, all players, aplay included, should produce the same kind of error, could you confirm?
    It could also be that another audio application/service is using the dac. I suggest to disable Roon, hqplayer etc (in audiolinux there is a shortcut or a menu entry for this) and possibly reboot before restarting squeezelite.
    I have tested today reinstalling logitechmediaserver-git with squeezelite-r2/squeezelite and all is working fine in both cases.

  9. #1729
    pebibyte L'avatar di marcoc1712
    Jan 2013


    Originariamente inviato da hifi25nl
    It could also be that another audio application/service is using the dac. I suggest to disable Roon, hqplayer etc (in audiolinux there is a shortcut or a menu entry for this) and possibly reboot before restarting squeezelite.
    I have tested today reinstalling logitechmediaserver-git with squeezelite-r2/squeezelite and all is working fine in both cases.
    It could be... If the other application is using "brute force" to gain control of the interface, but the normal behaviour is not this one.

    In order to release the ALSA connection you need to add -C 1 to the squeezelite command line, that way, after 1 sec of silence the connection is released and other players could then take control over it.

    If you then try to restart the playback in squeezelite, you get an error similar to that one, but - in the posted log - You could see the connection is lost and found back in short time during the playback (1 min after the start), that sound weird to me.
    Ciao, Marco.

    "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
    — E. F. Schumacher (mis-attributed to A. Einstein)
    Autore della patch R2 per Squeezelite e del plugin C-3PO. note libere
    Logitech media Server 7.9 > miniPc + squeezelite-R2 / SB+ > "Lu Scalmentu" NOS R2R DAC by TubeOne/ AudioResearch DAC 1-20 >
    Klimo Merlino Gold TPS > DIS Interconnect > Kent Gold > Reference > Monitor Audio Studio 20 SE

  10. #1730
    Aug 2011


    Bisogna tener presente che se hqplayer e/o hqplayerd partono all avvio di sistema prendono possesso ,in esclusiva, dell uscita audio, gli altri Player no, compreso roon...quindi potrebbe essere quello...

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