Intel P55 Ibex Peak Chipset Features

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  1. #1
    Nexthardware Staff L'avatar di brugola.x
    Feb 2007
    1/2 lombardo

    Predefinito Intel P55 Ibex Peak Chipset Features

    Intel P55 Ibex Peak Chipset Features

    Intel P55 Express chipset codenamed Ibex Peak will be able to support mainstream LGA1160 quad-core Lynnfield and dual-core Havendale with integrated GPU in Q3 2009. It is a single chip solution known as Platform Controller Hub (PCH) that has all the I/O features of the ICH. Internally, Ibex Peak with Lynnfield/Havendale is known as Summitlake. It has the ability to support dual graphics like SLI and Crossfire in x8/x8 configuration. However, the P55 chipset interconnect is still on the DMI instead of the new QPI found on the X58 chipset. For the I/O aspect, it supports 14 USB 2.0 ports, 8 PCIe 2.0 x1 ports, 6 SATA 3.0Gb/s ports, Gigabit Ethernet and IMST 9.0 with FIS port multiplier.

    fonte VR-Zone

  2. #2
    Moderatore L'avatar di italian soldier
    Jan 2006


    Avevo letto già info su questo chipset ma lo SLI mi mancava... che belle cose, magari in futuro la mia 8800gt potrebbe gestire moooolto bene la fisica

    Il futuro, di nuovo ignoto, scorre verso di noi, e io lo affronto per la prima volta con un senso di speranza, perché se un robot, un Terminator, può capire il valore della vita umana, forse potremo capirlo anche noi.

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