prova della PS3 su PSM3MAG.COM

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  1. #1
    exbibyte L'avatar di lore85bg
    Nov 2005
    Gandino (BG)

    Predefinito prova della PS3 su PSM3MAG.COM

    Yes, it's true. It's not made out of wood, it's not behind bullet-proof glass at the Tokyo Game Show - it's a real live PS3 and we're really playing it. The two Sony reps that were kind enough to bring us the machine brought it in a bag, popped it out and placed it on our table. We connected it to our TV and we were away. Forget any dev-kit speculation and empty cases. PS3 is real and it works brilliantly.

    Consider this a follow up to Friday's blog - where we posted a pic of the PS3 and a crowd of sweaty men fighting to have a go on it. Well, given that this post has proved insanely popular across the internet here are more pictures of men being excited around a real live working PS3.

    Some more details of the brute in action:
    1) It's quiet like a sleeping baby. A barely audible hum. With the TV on you simply can't hear it at all.
    2) It's heavy like a planet. No, really. It's impossible to pick up with one hand.
    3) It's shiny like a mirror. In fact, it's impossible to take a photograph of it without the flash spanging every picture into a starburst mess. And therefore it's massively prone to fingerprintage too, with the tiny amount of dust in the office magically attaching itself to its surface in seconds.
    4) The PS3 joypad is very light and the tilt system is very responsive. We like.
    5) The start up is amazingly fast. And game load times were faster than expected. In fact, PS3 does both at about the same speed of PSP. ie, Long load times due to the massive Blu-ray disc? Nope. Simply not an issue.
    6) Andy's fingers kept sliding off the shoulder buttons. But that's because his fingers are slippery.

    Want to see more? Here you go.

    Altre foto e ulteriori commenti QUI
    my Waterstation rev.01 rev.02 rev.03 ~ il mio cucciolo

  2. #2
    Moderatore L'avatar di salvatore
    Nov 1999


    A me interessa quel Samsung dove è stata attaccata (sempre che non sia una xbox360 camuffata), è il modello di cui si parla in altra sezione?
    Software failure - Guru meditation -
    Iscritto dal 12-11-1999 o_O

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